Di.A.Psi. Piemonte ODV (Difesa Ammalati Psichici) is a voluntary, non profit organization of people suffering from mental health conditions and their families.
Founded in Torino in 1988 as Di.A.Psi.Gra by a group of families, it has since then changed name into Di.A.Psi. (Difesa Ammalati Psichici) maintaining the same values and principles of the founders. Our energy and our actions are aimed to:
– be an ardent advocate for change in the community. Our constant effort is to protect the rights of patients and their caregivers
– provide information about access to services and treatment available
– offer psychological counseling to families
– organize social activities for patients and caregivers (self help groups, outdoor activities, socializing groups, classes to improve communication within families, sport practice with the help of tutors in order to promote well being, mutual support and inclusion. We offer groups from Monday to Friday; activities take also place every weekend of the year and during holidays thanks to “weekend da sBandolo” program sustained by Compagnia di Sanpaolo.
Di.A.Psi. is currently a member of FISAM (Unione Nazionale Associazioni Italiana per la Salute Mentale ONLUS), CPD (Consulta Persone in Difficoltà), Il Bandolo ONLUS, Vol.To (Centro servizi per il Volontariato)
The services we offer are free of charge.
For more information you can contact us by phone at 011.546653 or email us at diapsipiemonte@gmail.com
We will be happy to answer your questions